Square Bird - Flappy Chicken

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256 ming ta sharh
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🤩 Looking for chicken games with cute birds? Crazy about stacking games with challenges? 🐤 Square Bird is a bird game where you need to manage a chicken in an extraordinary way. Stack fun square eggs to pass obstacles and angry monsters. The more levels you complete the higher the game speed. Challenge yourself in the bird stacking game!

🔥 How fast is your reaction? Let’s check it in this bird game. Tap to the screen to stack the eggs and help your bird flap around obstacles. But this stacking game is not so easy. You can meet not only static or moving blocks but some angry animals that also can crash your eggs. To pass the level, add square eggs to take your bird higher. Thus, your chicken flaps over the obstacles.


☄️ Activate a shooting mode
Stack the perfect number of eggs so the bird can flap over obstacles with perfect accuracy. Do this 3 times in a row to activate a shooting mode. Your bird will be able to shoot from its mouth and smash blocks and enemies. Add new challenges and make the stack game harder for yourself to have more fun!

🎁 Play bonus levels
Unlock new secret levels with different gameplay. For example, try to win a battle where you need to dodge the enemy using square eggs and shooting skills. Try to predict where the angry monster wants to hit you and dodge him.

💰 Get rewards to unlock new features
Get game coins or complete missions to open new skins and backgrounds. Play mini games to get them faster.
✅ Hint: At the end of the level add as many eggs as possible to get more game coins.

🐧 Open cute skins
You can be any bird you want. Choose a chicken with green feathers or pigeon with rainbow colors. Or will it be the bird with angry skin? You can even choose what your bird will shoot with.

🌆 Customize your stack game
After choosing a skin, find the best background to decorate your levels. Are you crazy about pink? Choose a cute theme with cakes and lollipops. You can also change your bird house which you have at the end of the level.

🐦 Download Square Bird and create your bird world with funny chickens and birds. Flap over obstacles and upgrade your speed to go from beginner to pro in the stacking game. 🎮
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-yan, 2024

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