Tivify offers you, free and in one place, the largest streaming television offer in Spain. Say goodbye to the old zapping and discover a universe of entertainment with hundreds of channels and thousands of titles on demand.
We've made TV easy so finding your favorite show is quick and easy. With Tivify you have:
• More than 250 channels, including the main DTT channels.
• Free on-demand content: movies, series, entertainment, sports, news, music, documentaries and much more.
• Personalized recommendations. We help you always find the best of TV and the most popular streaming services, now also with the help of AI.
• Total control of your experience. Recover already broadcast programs, record, restart, pause, advance and rewind on the main channels.
• Television to suit you. Personalize your experience by adding the content that interests you most to your offer.
• Premium Options. Expand your offer with exclusive channels and content to take your experience to the next level.
Tivify is the entertainment platform that adapts to you. Come in and enjoy!