24Okur.com is an online free literature platform on subjects such as Turkish Literature, Essays, Modern Poets, Culture and Art, Literature and Criticism. Our platform is ideal for those who read around the clock and offers its users different literary experiences with its rich content. Thanks to our mobile application that we have published, you can follow the latest news of the literary world whenever and wherever you want. If you are one of those who want to join the world of literature, join 24Okur.com and explore the depths of literature.
In addition, as 24Okur.com, we are looking for new volunteer writers and social media managers. We invite everyone who is interested in literature and culture and arts to join our team. You can send us your resume and writing samples for your applications for authorship. Those who want to apply as a social media manager can share their work and resumes with us on their social media accounts. We welcome everyone who wants to contribute to the further growth and development of 24Okur.com together with our teammates.
You can reach us through our social media addresses.