There is a large cohort of Urdu speaking people around the world who lack the necessary reading skills to benefit from the ocean of knowledge, wisdom and tradition preserved in Urdu literature. Through this project we hope to make Urdu non-fiction and fiction easily accessible in the form of audiobooks for adults and children.
Complete this form for becoming a part of the project. https://forms.gle/C5C1qzsmPaKV6oAi6
1. Become a narrator if you enjoy reading Urdu books and read well
2. Suggest a book to urduabproject@gmail.com
3. Become a part of the admin / technical team. Basic IT and media skills will come handy.
4. Donate. Dil ki Awaz Urdu Audiobooks is a not for profit project sponsored by Urdu loving individuals and charitable organisations. Many of our team members have joined on a voluntary basis. However we would like to pay the narrators a small token of appreciation for their talent and effort. The pay rate would depend on the individual narrators. Since the project is charitably funded we would like to support those narrators with low salaries at their primary workplaces. Our second expenditure is for building, maintaining and enhancing our mobile App. We look forward to any support we can receive from our well-wishers, subscribers and lovers of Urdu. You can go to our main sponsors webpage and donate at https://maahiruk.org/support-us/
5. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @urdudilkiawaz
You can also listen to the books on a desktop at https://dil-ki-awaz.com
To view our privacy policy, go to https://dil-ki-awaz.com/privacypolicy