Phogy, 3D Camera

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Create next gen photos.

★★★★★ "Phogy is a cool & innovate app that allows you to create awesome 3D selfies you can share on social media or set as your wallpaper background."

★★★★★ "Exclusive Android app makes 3D photos that move when the smartphone is moved."

•  Rock Every Party With Phogy. It's a must have for each party freak and all users who enjoy innovations in photography!

•  Have you ever made a picture with 3D effect which moves while you move your smartphone? It´s possible with Phogy. Create perfect moving selfies an shots which you can share on social media or let them shine as cool lively 3D wallpapers.

•  All you need is to download Phogy, take shot and move your smartphone. That is all what activates the new 3D photography experience on your devices. "This app changes the way how we act with camera", one of Phogy users said after he took first shot. Let´s Phogy your world!

Main features
• Unlimited number of Phogies (Pro).
• No special hardware required.
• Enables the creation of unique selfie shots with 3D effect.
• Enables sharing via email, social networks.
• Creates mp4 files you can use to share via Facebook, Google+, etc. (high quality in Pro).
• Creates gifs available to share via Google+, Tumblr, etc... (high quality in Pro).
• Set Phogy as 3D effect lively wallpapers (Pro).
• Various number of filters to customize your Phogy (Pro).
• Quality ratings (from 1 star to 5 stars) announced after taking the Phogy.
• Control (set) the sensitivity of Phogy motion from low to high.

Make your photo memories vivid in 4 easy steps:
1. Take a Phogy
2. Press Camera Button
3. Aim at the Target
4. Move your Device to the Right Side and Still Aim at the Target
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-fev, 2019

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