Did you see a light in the sky that you couldn't identify? What's Up! helps you find out what you saw by answering a few simple questions about your observation.
With help of What's Up!, you can easily identify stars, planets, airplanes, satellites, meteors and much more.
Have you ever seen a UFO (Unidentified flying object)? In most cases these sightings can easily be identified as something natural or man-made. Venus for example often looks like an exceptionally bright, stationary light in the twilight sky. A bright star like Sirius or Canopus can twinkle so much that it looks like it's boiling and changing colours rapidly. Meteors or bolides can be seen as a bright flashes, often leaving a trail. And did you know sky lanterns or migrating birds sometimes look like a formation of lights moving in the sky at night?
What's Up! helps you identify your sighting by answering a few questions about your observation. All sightings feature an illustrative picture, a description of what the sighting normally looks like when seen in the sky, and some background information. Of course you can share your sighting with your social network.
Keep looking up!