bidding on all products for buying/selling new or second-hand products.
the portal which consists of major categories for buying/selling your new/second-hand products from electronics, furniture, property, automobile, pets, and others.
We divided Shopobid into two parts: -
1) Get Bids to buy ( New Concept to shop, save and relax )
2) New / Old Buy - Sell ( * Like others but with new perks & Benefits)
How it works: Get Bids to buy
Step 1
The user posts the product which he wants to buy on the app and enters other details like model no, brand, variant, mode of payment, and other detail required.
Step 2
Shopkeepers get to see that some user needs a certain specific product and then the shopkeeper bids their price to offer that product accordingly. Shopkeepers and users are unaware of user details or shop details, they only see what we want them to see.
Step 3
The user sees all bids by various shopkeepers and finalizes one of them by paying a small commission to Shopobid to confirm the deal and to know shop details . The user gets his product at his best price and without roaming here and there for the same.
How it works: New / Old Buy-Sell
Step 1
Seller posts his product on the app and enters all details like price range, what he is expecting, and other details.
Step 2
Users get to see the product but not the contact number of the person who has posted, there they have a bid section to bid their price and the person who had put the product can see all bids.
Step 3
After this, the person who has posted the product to sell will pay an amount to confirm the bid and accept it and then he can see the details of the person who has bid for that price also for confirming his bid he needs to also make a payment for confirming his price.
What Shopobid does -
A one-stop solution to see online, book online, and shop offline in your city
Get the best price through bidding "bhaav-taav"
Let the shopkeeper offer their price online and you just confirm your choice by paying 108 Rs minimal commission which is so less to have done all work for you, so that you can enjoy shopping.