Weeview: Dutch Cannabis app

Edukiaren sailkapena
Helduentzat (17 urtetik gora)

Aplikazio honi buruz

The coffeeshop app Weeview; is the best way to find the best coffeeshop in your area for your Cannabis smoke-out. With our easy-to-use coffeeshop app, you can find all the coffeeshops nearby and see which ones are open and ready for business. You can also rate them so other people know which ones are worth visiting. With Weeview, you’ll always know where to go and what to expect when you get there. You can also add your own reviews of places so other users will know if they should visit those shops!

Let us help you find the perfect spot to kick back, relax, and enjoy some of your favorite weed strains — with or without a friend or two.

Weeview is a free app that helps you find the best coffeeshops nearby and lets you see what other people think about them. Whether you’re looking for something new or just want to visit your favorite place again, Weeview is the perfect app for you. With Weeview, you’ll always know where to go and what to expect when you get there!
Azken eguneratzea
2023(e)ko aza. 7(a)

Datuen babesa

Seguru egoteko, funtsezkoa da jakitea garatzaileek nola biltzen eta partekatzen dituzten zuri buruzko datuak. Baliteke datuen pribatutasunaren eta segurtasunaren inguruko jardunbideak aplikazioaren erabileraren, lurraldearen eta adinaren araberakoak izatea. Informazio hori garatzaileak eman du, eta baliteke aurrerago eguneratzea.
Ez da daturik partekatzen hirugarrenekin
Lortu informazio gehiago garatzaileek partekatutako datuak aitortzeko duten moduari buruz
Baliteke aplikazioak datu mota hauek biltzea:
Informazio pertsonala, Mezuak eta beste 4
Datuak bidaltze-prozesuan enkriptatzen dira
Datuak ezabatzeko eska dezakezu


Fix the occassional crash when reopening the app