Brandon Bolton
The best in the store as far as quality. It loses a lot in options. Please make an auto repeat function. An A-B repeat would be best. I use it for almost all of my media. Including true VR videos without a headset. However, I can't pull media from other 3rd party apps. I cant believe I'm saying this but can you put in an option to allow more access? Not a requirement, but an option to access media from other apps. I can send media to this app but it wont play because it hasnt been pre-approved.
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Damon Ryan
Video quality is the best I have seen for cardboard players. However, there is no on screen controls for cardboard players with the click button feature except to move the focal point. I would glady pay the $5.99 for the basis expansion if there were click fuctions screen controls like a video time line to jump spot, pause, play, ect. If there were a zoom function, A-B repeat and slow motion I would gladly pay $15. I will keep using the ok PLAY'A VR cardboard app until this one gets up to speed.
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