Peter Stroup
It's a good app, but every site I go to is in french, and I don't know how to change it. So 4stars is the best I can do
196 people found this review helpful
Grant Woods
Can go onto websites which without this app my phone wouldn't have let me on the sites very good app 4 stars atleast all the way
135 people found this review helpful
Robert Lucky
A vpn built in browser would be nice as long I do not havr to pay or deal with ads that must be redirected back to insane rich, and blocked from those who are in debt cause they selfishly want but no regaurd for responsibility by NOT blaming others or to be lazier then pigs by choice since it requires that education in order to make a less intelligent choice then a lazy farm pig..we all have definition of lazy from pigs so perfect comparison.
28 people found this review helpful