SUCCESS IS INEVITABLE! - a large-scale project, which was originally based on the idea of liberating women from centuries of prejudices instilled in them. This idea called not for the so-called "equality of the sexes", but for highly effective interaction between two such different halves of humanity. The results of the first years of activity turned out to be so impressive that men also paid attention to the project, more and more actively participating in discussions, live and online events. All this led to the expansion of the information base and new possibilities of its application.
At present, the essence and policy of the project is to help people find happiness and harmony in all areas of their lives. Relationships, children, finances, success, self-realization - the activity covers all these areas, every year making happier an increasing number of people who, together with the project, are constantly developing and moving forward, building their new future.
PROJECT CO-FOUNDERS: Vladimir Baranov and Alina Ermakova