Completaí presents consumers with a price comparison for a better choice of stations in their region. It is easier to refuel when you already know which station is the cheapest!
Our goal is to allow the consumer to choose only those stations that have the lowest prices and thus drive market prices down. We are returning to the consumer the power of demand for fuels.
If you keep paying dearly, prices will never go down!
• EXCLUSIVITY - You will have access to information from the largest database in Brazil, collected independently (not publicly), based on your location. Our community has already started collaborating with information, further increasing our price base.
• CUSTOMIZATION - Customize your experience, choosing the flags of your stations, the type of fuel and the maximum distance to search for stations.
• PREFERENCE - Select the screen on which your application will start and determine the time for automatic updating of prices on the screen.
• COMPATIBILITY - Use the browser of your choice, Waze, Google Maps or Apple Maps, if you want to trace a route to the station.
• BONUS - Regardless of your location, you will be able to view information about your favorite stations, compared to the stations you are on.
Download Completaí and be part of our community!