Thanks to the APP Cultivamos Futuro, you will have all the information and resources on your Smartphone, Tablet or PC to manage and consult your data quickly and efficiently.
With Cultivamos Futuro you can:
Check the weather forecast of your plots.
Access the register of purchase tickets for the operations you carry out in the different sections of your cooperative / associated company.
Control your production and consult the data of the entries made by variety and campaign, as well as their classification. Information will also be available on pending actions, both collection and classification of items.
Access the liquidation data, being able to consult, by campaign, the kilos liquidated and the prices.
Having a management system for your most important tasks and events, generating an appointment that is synchronized with your calendar and notifies you before it expires: key collection dates, sowing, ITV reviews ... all managed with your personal calendar.
Be up to date with all the communications and calls made by your cooperative / associated company.
Know the news of Anecoop and the news of the sector.
This tool, which stands out for its simple design and its simplicity in handling, captures the professional experience of all the people who make up the Anecoop Group, from the field to the sale, providing a clear improvement in the day-to-day management of the farmers.
Download Cultivate Future and start NOW to make your job easier! (Available for UNICOO cooperatives).