With the EPP mobile application from the CEZ Group and the CEZ Foundation, you help with movement. Whether you run with your phone, ride a bike or go for walks, each activity means points for the project you choose, which the ČEZ Foundation will financially support.
The EPP - Help by Movement mobile application is a tool that allows the user to determine which projects and in what amount the ČEZ Foundation should financially support with their own active movement.
The application records the user's movement (eg walking, running, cycling, skiing, but also indoor activities such as treadmill running) and, in addition to common data on speed, time, pace or distance, also generates points. The user can dedicate them at any time to one of the currently offered projects of non-profit organizations, schools or municipalities. If the users of the application collect a certain number of points in a given time, the ČEZ Foundation will support the project with a specific amount known in advance. Current and already supported projects, including the status of points and target amounts, can be monitored at www.pomahejpohybem.cz or www.nadacecez.cz
The application can also work as a classic sporttracker. The application also generates personal performance statistics sorted by days, types of movement, etc. Downloading the application, its use, generating points is of course free, data application is required by the application only at launch or when the user wants to dedicate generated points to one of currently offered projects. The application is optimized for mobile phones with Apple iOS operating systems, from version 7, Android from version 4.0 and Wear OS 2.0. Use of the application is either anonymous or registered via e-mail or Facebook account.
Attention, after switching on, make sure that you have movement switched on in the exterior (points are generated according to the movement under GPS) or interior (points are generated according to the motion sensors in the mobile phone.)