The Participation Counseling Department, located at gsub mbH, the Self-determined Life Independent Together - SLUG GmbH and the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Deaf Studies and Sign Language Interpreting Department at the Institute for Rehabilitation Sciences and Digitas Pixelpark GmbH, acts on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs ( BMAS).
This is the app from the Supplementary Independent Participation Advisory Service (EUTB®). It offers you support with questions about rehabilitation and participation.
With the help of this app you can
1) quickly and easily find advice in your area (use the “Advice” section),
2) request a desired appointment for a consultation offer (for this use the “Appointment” section),
3) find out about the forms of support available (for this use the “Support” section),
4) give your feedback after you have taken advantage of a consultation offer about how satisfied you were with the consultation and what we can improve,
5) read the most frequently asked questions about the EUTB®, share your feedback after the consultation and express your opinion on the “Participation Advice” department (use the “Other” section for this).
Information on data protection can be found on the Teilhabeberatung website: