ylyke - that's how it works
You register at ylyke.de with your name and email address.
You collect the things you would like to have in your personal wish list. At ylyke we also call it the wyshlist.
You share your wyshlist with everyone who might want to give you something. At ylyke we call her the frynde.
You can share your wish list with your family, friends and colleagues. This is easy to do via invitation email or Whatsapp.
ylyke makes it easy for your friends and family to find the right gift and you get what makes you happy. Whether for Christmas, an invitation, a birthday, a christening or your wedding.
Your friends can reserve your wishes for themselves. With the reservation, the wish can no longer be selected by others.
By the way, you won't find out anything about a reservation. That leaves the surprise :-)
ylyke also works for "big" gifts. If you don't want to give the gift alone, you can select this as an option when making your reservation. This keeps the desire visible and you can find people who also want to take part. This helps with weddings, milestone birthdays and all occasions where larger gifts are likely. ylyke makes it easy.
Who sees my wish list?
Only the frynde invited by you. By the way, a frynd does not learn anything from your other frynds.
By the way, you don't have to send your wish list around every time you change it. frynde automatically always have the latest version.
If a wish is fulfilled, you should delete it. Unless you want something twice ;-)
How do you get your presents?
Your frynde see your wyshlist and can reserve wishes for themselves. A reserved wish can no longer be selected for the other frynde if a joint gift is not to be made.
frynde get their reservation confirmed by email. Reservations can of course be canceled at any time. They expire after 6 weeks or if the wish is deleted.
Do you have everything you want?
If you no longer want to use ylyke, you can delete your account at any time. You can find the delete button in your profile.
We wish you lots of joy with gifts that are fun.