Once again, almost missed the garbage disposal? With the new free app waste of county waste management Sigmaringen can not happen anymore. The app remembers reliably to all discharge dates for residual waste, paper and the yellow bag. Also, all the dates of green waste removal as well as the mobile collections for problem wastes are included. Simply select a city, set reminder desire and you've got "the Müller dissipation always in view." The waste App is an innovative service of its own operation District waste management in the district of Sigmaringen.
- Individual settings for the memory (day, time)
- Filter by waste container (eg residual waste)
- Notification of the message center (Notification Center)
Added value? Many additional information on waste management in the district Sigmaringen
- Locations -
Information on disposal plant Meßkirch-Ringgenbach, depot container stands in the district (recycled glass) and to the municipal recycling centers (location, opening times, what is accepted?, Directions)
- Waste-ABC -
The practical helper for disposal questions on specific waste
- Service -
Contact, helpful tips u.v.m.
- News -
Latest news from the waste sector
Ready for use:
1 Download, install and run the district App
2 Register (register once and use on any number of mobile devices)
3 Select a municipality and the district or street
4 Setting the waste filter
5 Finished