Who wants to marry have to think of different things:
The location for the celebration, the wedding menu, the guest list, the church, the pastor ...
But in between there should be time to reconnect again and again. Especially during the hectic preparations must own relationship - not too short, with all its issues - the "joy of love" (Pope Francis).
Therefore, the app is Ehe.Wir.Heiraten. the Catholic Church as varied as the situations of wedding preparation. The app with its many interesting information will assist you as a couple and accompany. It is available free of charge for smartphones and is aimed at those who want to get married.
You will receive a weekly pulse via push notification - always attuned to your wedding date.
Our impulses are short texts, images and videos that deal with all the key issues related to marriage and marriage: communication in the relationship, spirituality, sexuality, organizational matters, the end of the ceremony and, and, and ...
Times convenient times spiritually, sometimes communicative, sometimes funny - and always stimulating.
In the app you also find important dates and interesting events for newlyweds in your region.
The Wedding App of the ACF - Association for Catholic Family Education e.V. Design and realization: kippconcept gmbh.
Programming the app: Klaus Breuer, Berlin.