With smart time plus mobile you record your working hours regardless of location and around the clock. Whether coming or going, the bookings are saved in real time on the company server and can be viewed immediately on a smartphone or tablet. Manual synchronization is therefore not necessary.
In the event of a missing or disrupted internet connection, current bookings are temporarily stored and automatically transferred to the company server as soon as possible.
Functional scope:
- Time recording when coming and going. The bookings can be linked to a reason for absence, such as business trips, doctor visits, smoking breaks
- Booking queries (weekly overview of all relevant data such as bookings, target and actual time, overtime, vacation
- Unrestricted transfer of location positions in connection with working time bookings.
- Possibility of submitting applications
- Application approval by supervisors
- View employee status including last booking
- Access to the last booked projects
- Prevent booking requests in the future.
The full range of functions is only supported with a current server version (8) of smart time plus.