New: Immediately a 12 months subscription Digital Fire Protection / German Fire newspaper for only 79,99 Euro is available. To do this, the "Buy" button any edition. The latest version of fire / German Fire-Zeitung we offer for 8,99 Euro.
With the fire-app we offer our customers a product available, with which they both leading trade journal - Fire protection / Deusche firefighters newspaper - can read in more engaging digital form as well as access to a large number of publications of the Kohlhammer publishing house in the fire area have. This includes in addition to the well-known series "The Red books" and the textbook series "Fire", the new standard work of the German Fire Department Literature "The firefighters textbook". The Fire app provides a fast, cross-plant search (desk feature), the ability to insert annotated bookmarks and annotations in the form of text, images and audio commentary on any text. In this way, from the totality of the acquired publications a valuable library of firefighting knowledge with powerful search functions. Downloading the app is free. Within the app paid downloads can be made. New publications (magazine and book) be made available immediately for download. The downloaded content may also be read offline.