passwords, account information, credit card data , transaction numbers (TANs) - this is the prey on which are targeting Internet fraudsters, called phishers. Your lures are fake emails and Web sites that mimic the deceptively used by banks and online services Design. The internet user is enticed to enter his secret data, to prevent for example a threatened account suspension. The data obtained are abused by phishers to financially harm the victims or take the identity for seedy businesses. Target group of attacks are all Internet users, not only very wealthy people. Fraudsters send millions of phishing emails so that already makes a small percentage of disappointed users successfully the method. Reliably detect phishing attacks can be just by checking the web address (URL).
With the free Android app "NoPhish" can playfully learn to read Web addresses correctly and properly respond to phishing attacks netizens. The game begins with a clear introduction about phishing methods and the development of web addresses. This is followed by nine interactive levels where the players get to know various tricks by phishers. So they learn to distinguish in a short time real Web addresses counterfeiting. Through the use of exercises with repetitions and with direct and positive feedback, the app is designed to optimize the learning experience.