Learn to read long words. Help the chef dot and share words with razor sharp kitchen utensils.
It is a fun way to learn syllabus, so you get a strategy to decode long words by sound such as: hu | set and mil | jø | be | write | well | see. For example, when you come across a long unreadable word in a book, you can dot and share the word. When the word is divided into smaller syllables, the children themselves can read a little at a time and eventually put the syllables together.
Here in Word Clover 1, you learn and practice the rules for spelling.
There are 3 levels
Level 1: Get Safe in the Vocals and Learn the Dot and Sharing Rules One at a Time. All words are audible.
Level 2: Use and train the learned rules. All words are audible.
Level 3: Advanced training. The words are longer, more complicated, and exceptions must be noted. There may also be overlap with morpheme sharing. All lanes are classified according to upper concepts.
The content of Word Clover 1 (Dot and part) is developed in collaboration with experienced dance teachers and special educators from Time2learn.
All words are dotted and divided according to sound and sound patterns, so you can listen to what is said. Later in Word Clover 2, words are divided into morphemes (small units of meaning). This promotes vocabulary and vocabulary, eg house, environment, description |).