Either you re a pharmacy or a normal person looking for a medicine that you can't find, MediFind will help you!
For a normal user:
Stop looking around at every pharmacy you know and going to it one by one! MediFind will let you find that medicine you re looking for with less efforts.
-You can add a request of a desired medicine, even if you don't understand the prescription you can add a photo of it and add a short description of what you exactly want, your request will show up to the pharmacies that uses the app and the one that has the medicine available will notify you that its available!
-Get the list and location of pharmacies in your wilaya that are open and/or near your position!
-Discover who are the Top 03 pharmacies in your wilaya who shows them self helpful and who are more likely to possess the rare medicines!
For a pharmacy:
-Improve your business by helping the others, both you and the clients will benefits, he gets the medicines he is looking and you gain more money and clients!
-Get a free advertising to promote your business, proving yourself and helping enough people will allow you to collect Points. The Top 03 pharmacies who got the most points will show in the front page for all the app users!
-If you want to know more about medicines and improve your knowledge MediFind has the list of all medicines available in Algeria and France.
-List of medicines available in France has a lot more of informations like Indications, Side effects, Presentation....ect