"Diario Digital Andresito" "A Young Journal with current information"
where you go to see the current news, local, national, international, entertainment, technology, law, politics, economics, sports.
and also you are going to see "TV FULL HD DIGITAL ANDRESITO" Best Dibujitos Retros and present the best series and movies 24 hours Full HD !!
also you are going to hear the best music with digital sound 24 hours
and also the best live interviews.
"A Young Journal with current information"
Welcome to Journal Andresito Hear all day! 24 hours of live music!
dear listeners wanted to tell you that "full hd digital tv andresito" Reina Del Plata won an award for best entertainment channel,
and also Mr. Andres Moya won best male driving radio and radio interviews a prize, also 4 diplomas which are within andriiuus "A Young Radio With enegia Positive" and also digital andresito Journal "A Young Journal with current information"
"True communication begins talking but not listening. The main condition of the good communicator is a good listener "(Mario Kaplun) Congratulations !! Andres Moya Director General Radio Andriiuus "A Young Radio With Positive Energy" Andres Moya Directot General de Diario Digital Andresito "A Young Journal with current information" www.radioandriiuus.net www.radioandriiuus.com www.diariodigitalandresito.com www.diariodigitalandresito. net www.canaldigitalandresmoya.net www.andresfmoya.net
Welcome to Radio Andriiuus¡Escúchanos all day! 24 hours of live music! Greetings to all our listeners! Listen to my Radio, I'm Andy Radio has a wide range of functions, it is the fastest medium exists to transmit news and is also a personal friend of relaxed familiarity. The radio serves as both cultural stimulation to facilitate practical advice, and is a valuable link between communities. programs can be designed to cover a continent or just to meet the needs of a small, isolated community. Driving: Andres Moya. Production: Radio Andriiuus. Sound and Vision: Wall-e Moya. Buenos Aires, Argentina