MahaMetta L.V. (May)
I have tried MAAANY different sticker makers app, but by far, this is the best and I removed all the others. It´s incredibly easy to work with and it has many features. And as WhatsApp is still not able to allow us to put all of our stickers in order and as I have around 400 different stickers with different emotions, actions and you name it, it became extremely difficult for me to find the right sticker I needed in each occasion. With StickerFactory I managed to make a copy of all my stickers, from different origin, and make them very easily again a sticker to put them in folders according to subject, so I can find them. I only have a question to the developers. I Spent many hours doing that, because as i said, I have more than 400. In case I change of mobile, would it be possible to have all those stickers in my new phone? Can I have them in the same "folders"/ groups as I have them now or would I need to reorder them again?
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