Hz. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
"When things get dark for you like dark nights, refer to the Qur'an".
(Biharul Envar. Uddetud Dai. İrşad-ul Gulub.)
The life scene is a place where you face various problems. In some cases, a person becomes such a nuisance that he feels that no one can save him from this hesitation and indecision. I wonder if there is a way out of heading to gays in such situations? This is the place where the rest is obligatory in the sense of “a better way for people to hold and watch”.
There are many types of rest: to work with a consultant. To pray by performing prayers. To counsel with the rosary. Constructing with the Quran, etc. ...
In any case, it is one of the remarkable types of consultation in the rumors that came to us from the Innocent and the Inners.
1. It is stated in a hadith:
I have presented Imam Sadik as saying: “Sometimes I want to do a job and I ask for what is good for Allah to do it. But I am undecided whether to do that work ”.
Imam aleyhisselam said: “When you pray, do a rest. As a matter of fact, while the devil is in that state, he is extremely far from human. So let's see, do whatever happens to your heart. And open the Quran. Look at the first verse that your eyes touch and treat it, and hopefully you will [find your way].
In this context, in this program, we brought the verses on the right pages of the Qur'an together with their translations on the basis of the Osman Taha line and recorded the meaning of the rest below.
So we can summarize what has been said above as follows:
There are three stages to be followed in Qur'an and Istihare:
1. One should think thoroughly about himself and try to make a decision.
2. If he has not made a decision on his own, he has to torch and consult with those who meet the necessary conditions.
3. If the above two steps do not work, it should be done as a last resort.
We conclude our promise with the following statement made by Ayatollah Uzma Behçet (r.h.) on the subject of the revolution:
"Demanding evil or goodness [where it is] is an indication of the miraculousness and equity of the Ehlibeyt School, and it is a contact between the Creator and the creatures."
Program Features:
- Low file size
- Ease of Use
- According to Osman Taha line, the result of each verse, and its result
- Ability to share the result of the resignation and send it to others
- Scientific article about the revolution