HELP is an innovative Erasmus+ project which brings together an international consortium with the aim to create a healthcare English training programme. The app is a customized version of the Moodle Mobile app, developed by Moodle Pty Ltd. It is made for everyone who wants or needs to work on communication skills for healthcare, care for elderly and healthcare tourism, including the following features:
o Open access to materials and digital media for teaching and learning in the area of English for Medical Purposes with latest information and motivating approaches for learner-centred and cooperative learning,
o Informal learning arrangements to meet the B1/B2 levels, practical approach for work with patients, elderly and clients from medical tourism,
o Educational platform enabling exchange and learning at and for the workplace,
o Contribution to organization’s prestige due to high quality training offers and better connection of academic education and work place,
o Increased motivation among students and healthcare workers by providing them a modern and practical learning tool.
This app uses media files like videos, audios, … for training with large sizes. For that, it is recommended to use a Wifi-connection if you are going to work with them.
ERASMUS+ 2014-1-ES01-KA203-004735
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.