The first step to properly receiving part-time pay
Easily check your salary and work schedule💰🗓
Even part-time workers are people! The bamboo forest of 5 million part-time workers in Korea!
Check out How Much, the essential part-time job app chosen by 1.5 million people
[main function]
- We support all types of work, including hourly wages, daily wages, part-time work, and special work for freelancers.
(Hourly wage calculator, monthly salary calculator, salary calculator)
- Check multiple part-time jobs with one calendar
(Work log, work calendar)
- Automatically calculates various allowances (weekend allowance, night allowance, overtime allowance, holiday allowance)
- You can also set the four major insurance policies and taxes.
- You can enter all details such as advance payment, bonus, annual leave, monthly leave, etc.
- Find part-time jobs near me with higher hourly wages!
- Conveniently check your salary with a widget
- Can be used on multiple devices simultaneously
- You can use an anonymous community only for part-time workers!
Contact us
- [Settings] within the app - [Contact Us]
[Optional access rights]
- Notifications: Receive notifications necessary to use the service
* You can change access permissions in the OS settings app.
* Optional access rights require permission when using the function, and even if permission is not granted, services other than the function can be used.