Fake gps location

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Fake gps location spoofer will overwrite your current location and any third party apps, websites or services will think you are in London, Paris or any other places! It’s simple and great fun to trick people.

In addition, our application has "Joystick" option, which allows users to change their locations immediately.

How does it work?

1. First enable the developer settings on your device(on older versions it is not needed).
To enable the developer settings go to settings > about phone > and click on the android version about 7 times.
2. in the developer options enable mock locations.
3. set your location to be 'device only'(use only gps location).
4. open the app, move the red dot anywhere you like and click on the 'play button'.

Important notes:

- This fake location app requires to have play services and maps installed.
- It might not work with some apps, but it works with fb,whatsapp,twitter etc.
- it doesn't work with viber since it requiters network location enabled.
- if the app stops working, or behaving strangely then simply restart the device.

Feel free to contact me by email for anything regarding this app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-iyn, 2021

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-Fixing bugs
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