Learn German grammar in a way you’ve never tried before. A German lady reads out all the words and sentences. You learn a lot without noticing it. Very efficient and it’s fun too,
For tablets and smartphones.
Needs no Internet Connection once the app has been installed.
Structured exercises with 7 different levels of difficulty. Good for beginners as well as university students.
This is how you work:
- You make a sentence by moving words on the screen
- You hear the German words as you click them
- You hear your own sentence read out
- Your sentence is checked
- You listen to the correct sentence
- You say after the voice
- Advanced students can choose to write the same sentence.
Grades A – E are given for every exercise. These results are saved.
The full version has 46 exercises with more than 2 800 practice sentences.
This free version has only 25% of the exercises but has the same functions as the full version.
Needs no Internet Connection once the app has been installed.
There are versions of this app for French and Spanish too.