Tasik Raya Village, Batang Tuaka Sub-District, Indragiri Hilir Regency, which was expanded in 2001 from the Sungai Pir Village area, which has now been defined in 2004, precisely on December 27, 2004, which is located in the middle (island) between north Teluk Tuasan Village, to the south of Sungai Dusun Village, west of Sei Empat Village and east of Sungaifringe Village, Capital City of Batang Tuaka District, which has a population of 1,890 people (993 men, 897 women, 475 heads of households, 4 hamlets, 5 RW and 16 RT consist of 20 ditches) while the area of the village is ± 2,516 Ha. with the livelihood of the population being 89% farmers, (ordinary coconut gardening). And consists of 42% of the poor who still earn below the average standard.