KAU UPAST is simple App that helps Kerala Agricultural University Pensioners
to get the details of basic details of Pensioner, monthly Pension details,
Intermediate Arrear disbursed in a financial year, basic pension calculations.
Steps to use KAU UPAST app. First and foremost internet connection should be there.
For first time login:
Step 1: Enter the Pension Number (6 digit) and mobile phone number registered in UPAST.
Step 2: An OTP will be sent to the mobile phone number types.
Step 3: Type the OTP obtained.
Step 4: If OTP is correct, Press Proceed button message is displayed.
Step 5: Press Proceed button.
Step 6: Menu page will be displayed.
(a) Press Know the Pensioner - to get basic details of Pensioner
(b) Press Pension - select Year and Month - to get Monthly Pension
(c) Press Arrear - select Financial Year - to get interemediate arrear disbursement
(d) Press Calculations - select Calculations - to display calculation of Pension, Pensioner benefits
(e) Press LOGOFF - To get log off and prompt for Pensioners SIGN IN
(f) Press EXIT - To exist from app
Next time login onwards:
(a) If EXIT option was selected with last login, directly display Menu page with last logged in pension number.
(b) If LOGOFF option was selected with last login, prompts for SIGN IN