Structural Engineering

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140 ta sharh
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✴This app is the best resource for your structural engineering course.✴
❰Structural engineering a specialty within the field of civil engineering focuses on the framework of structures, and on designing those structures to withstand the stresses and pressures of their environment and remain safe, stable and secure throughout their use. In other words, structural engineers make sure that buildings don't fall down and bridges don't collapse.❱

【Topics Covered Based On Below Concepts】

⇢ Analyse configurations of the basic structural components of a building or other structure.

⇢ Calculate the pressures, stresses and strains that each component, such as a beam or lintel, will experience from other parts of the structure due to human use or environmental pressures such as weather or earthquakes.

⇢ Consider the strength of various materials, e.g. timber, concrete, steel and brick, to see how their inclusion may necessitate a change of structural design.

⇢ Liaise with other designers, including architects, to agree on safe designs and their fit with the aesthetic concept of the construction.

⇢ Examine structures at risk of collapse and advising how to improve their structural integrity, such as recommending removal or repair of defective parts or rebuilding the entire structure.

⇢ Make drawings, specifications and computer models of structures for building contractors.
work with Geo technical engineers to investigate ground conditions and analyse results of soil sample and in-site tests.

⇢ Liaise with construction contractors to ensure that newly erected buildings are structurally sound.

⇢ Apply expert knowledge of the forces that act on various structures.

⇢ Use computers and computer-aided design (CAD) technology for simulation purposes.
and much more ➠
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-sen, 2022

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