All true evolution (healing) begins with an inner transformation.
There is no objective world, where if there is one we are only accessible? The question to ask yourself is: What sense do you give to Life? ... to your life!?
This subjectivity implies a great responsibility, that of making the choice of our experiences to build us truly and to live as we wish. But here we are carrying traces of our past wounds, infancy, intrauterine life and even transgenerational lineages to see further. These traces are the active imprints of our cells that keep us reviving repetitive patterns until we integrate the change of behavior, until freeing ourselves on a certain plane of consciousness, be it Physical Emotional, Mental or Spiritual.
Find all the information of In Vita on this fun application.
- The information of Nature, the sense of the kingdoms Animal, Vegetal, Mineral, Colors, Waves of forms and Sound frequencies.
- Product sheets INFORMA - AROMA - FEMINA
- Draw of the day card of the game Incipit Vita Nova
- The vibration and the sense of the Essential Oils
- THE AGENDA of trainings, workshops, conferences and fairs.
- Inspiring mandalas to meditate and find inspiration.
- The practical information of the company.
- and other surprises as and when updates.
This application is free and will remain so, it is a way to expand our consciousness to contact other possible. On this path you have the choice to bring out the light .... for that it is enough of a simple spark.Vous will discover a potential of healing and evolution incredible.