Gwangju Bus allows you to accurately check real-time bus location and arrival information in Gwangju Metropolitan City using AI technology - AI Gwangju Bus!
Check the current location of the bus in real time on the map and easily figure out the bus route.
Using AI technology, we provide accurate predictions of bus arrival times down to the second.
Check out more accurate Gwangju Metropolitan City bus information in the app.
[detail of fuction]
1. Check accurate arrival information in seconds Arrival information is provided in seconds, so you can check a more accurate estimated arrival time.
2. Find out the real-time bus location You can check the real-time location of the bus on the route. Check the current bus route on the map in real time.
*Please understand that bus location information may sometimes be inaccurate due to external factors.
[Production and Development]
Planning and design: Eunsung Trasis Co., Ltd. / Caramella Co., Ltd.
Developed by: Caramella Co., Ltd.