This is the "companion app" for Pigna's Umano Digitale notebooks: normal notebooks that, thanks to a special ripping and this app, offer the opportunity to explore and fully understand the relationship between analogue and digital, playing with codes, converting everything that is produced in the notebook into digital format, up to creating with pencil and paper animations to share online.
The app allows you to play with code and drawings, creating animations and scanning notes. A project that combines tradition and innovation, analog and digital, the two souls of the school.
The rapid succession of images produces the illusion of continuous movement in our eyes. Since the corners of a notebook can be browsed quickly, by drawing slightly different scenes, suggestive animations can be created page by page.
From the app it is possible to digitize this sequence in a video.
The box at the top right of the Human Digital notebook can also be used to play with hexadecimal codes and to experiment with the digitization of images.
The app also allows you to easily collect notes, through a scan function. You can then share the scanned pages with your friends, or simply store them in the memory of your device.