Jellyfish Pet

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Over one million downloads worldwide!
Introducing the 「Jellyfish」 to this already popular game! FREE DOWNLOAD! It's real easy to raise your own pet in this game!!

■Raise your own Jellyfish on your smartphone.
■Watch how cute your Jellyfish moves. It's so soothing and therapeutic.

This is a virtual pet app where you can raise your very own Jellyfish on your smartphone. It`s so easy to raise. Just feed your pet once every four days and clean its home once a week. This game app is great for people who find RPG's and puzzle games a bit tedious. Try this game out! It's therapeutic, and a great way to kill time!

[Basic Functions]
・It's simple to raise. Just remember to feed you Jellyfish and clean its home.
・Like a real Jellyfish, it moves around in such an adorable way.
・You can call over your Jellyfish by tapping on the screen. Look at how adorable this is!
・You can give your Jellyfish a name. You can give it a new name at anytime.
・Your Jellyfish grows in realtime. The growth of your pet is calculated by every 0.5 second.
・The game records how much your pet has grown since the last time you visited it.
・You can take a picture of your Jellyfish with your mobile device and share it with your friends over various social networking sites.
・The app also can send you notifications to let you know when your pet needs feeding and cleaning.
・You can even transfer your pet's data to a new device so that you can keep the same pet even after you change your mobile device.
・All of these functions are free and do not require any microtransactions!

[Recommended for:]
・people who have always wanted a Jellyfish or already have one and want a virtual Jellyfish to spend time with everywhere and at anytime
・people who love visiting the zoo and aquariums
・people who love raising virtual pets
・people who want a simple game to pass their free time with something fun
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2023

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