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Informazioni su questa app

UNLOCKS makes it easy for anyone to share useful maps and make fun!
For example,
· Map showing the necessary places for living such as individual lunch map and bicycle park map
· Map as a life log of memories leaving notes and photographs in spots of travel destinations and memorial places
· An exciting area map and your favorite guide map
· Entertainment maps such as point rally and point rally like mystery solving using position information, QR + quiz function, clear setting, ranking display, time limit function
Because it is a digital map, it is reflected in real time.
Create maps you recommend and publish it to users all over the world, get a good idea, use it privately and conveniently, enjoy the maps already posted, make a treasure hunt map and play with everyone It is such a multifunctional application that you can get it with.
Ultimo aggiornamento
9 feb 2019

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