Access to audio books and magazines, publications in EPUB, PDF, DAISY formats, films with sound representation and other resources is provided to registered users - adults and children who cannot read due to physical, visual, reading or other disabilities, and who have confirmed this condition with an official document.
You can also register after downloading this app. Only open access publications are available without registration or document submission.
- More than 15 thousand publications, and the number is constantly increasing!
- Integrated as many as 4 players (you can read books in MP3, EPUB, PDF, DAISY formats and watch movies with sound representation)
- Search by keyword and filters, search by voice
- Personal reading statistics
- Easy to read font, large buttons
- Black and white contrast option
- Record slow down and speed up function
- Snooze and tab functions
- Memorable reading place
- Publications can be downloaded and used without an Internet connection
The ELVIS library was created, maintained and constantly updated with publications in accessible formats by the Lithuanian Audiosensory Library ( ELVIS administrators work in almost all Lithuanian libraries and help users who cannot read normally to log in to ELVIS.
According to the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Law of the Republic of Lithuania, access to the entire ELVIS fund is granted only to persons who cannot read normal printed text and who have confirmed this condition with an official document.
More information at