Did you enjoy a cup of tea today?
Share your tasting note with your tea friends.
The meaning of T-eut is 'Tea neighbor' combined Tea and eut(웃) the last letter of 이웃(neighbor) in Korean.
You could share your tasting note and get some information about tea.
■ Home
Communicate with your tea friend by talking about taste and feelings.
■ Tea log
Write a tea log with feeling for the.
■ Magazine
Check the unique contents of tea by T-eut.
■ Neighbors
Add your neighbors who have similar taste or interesting feeds.
■ Tea map in Korea
Find the tea places in Korea and save the places.
A cup of tea today,
Shell we talk on T-eut?
[Access athentication]
T-eut needs the authentication below to offer the service.
- Essential access authentication: None
- Optional access authentication
Saving space: to write tea log
Camera: to write tea log and profile photo
These authentications need your agreement for specific functions, and you could use T-eut service even if you do not agree on the access.
Official Email : support@t-eut.com
티웃, T-eut, Teut, 티고르, tea