Free download our app my cableworld that will allow you to save money and time in many transactions with us.
You will only need your customer codes that you can find in the lower right part of your cableworld contract, ask at your nearest office.
You will get access to:
cableworld media: the largest platform of local channels in the province of Alicante at your disposal. With the contents of Tele Elda, Tele Novelda, Aspe Television, Tele Agost, Tele Monóvar and Tele Sax, well ordered and easily accessible thanks to its powerful search engine.
my invoice: check your online invoice is immediate and ecological. Avoiding the indiscriminate felling of trees, in addition to the saving in water that involves transforming wood into paper.
friend plan: bring a friend and we will give you a big discount.
- If you are a client and you bring a friend or relative to connect with us, both of you will have a discount of € 25 (if the new client has hired 2 or more fixed services) or € 10 (if the new client has only hired 1) fixed service).
- The discount is made in invoice, once the new customer is installed, in the next invoice that is charged by the bank.
cableworld club: your online platform of exclusive discounts and advantages in more than 100 first-class brands.
Just for being cableworld you can become a user of this Club, enjoy special offers and fantastic discounts in leisure, fashion, catering, technology and many other sectors, both in major brands nationwide and in the local commerce of the population where you live.
With Cableworld Club you can get discount coupons, direct discounts in online stores and accumulation of money in your VIP Account.