History Eraser Pro - Clean up

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It's a history eraser for android device, and it can clean history of apps by only one tap. It can help you to protect your privacy, and it can also help you to free up the internal storage. No root premission required!

Due to Google Play policy changes, we cannot provide SMS and Call log clean functions anymore. We are still working on it to get permission from Google.

★Clear Google Search History
★Clear Google Map Search History
★Clear Gmail Search History
★Clear Clipboard Data
★Clear Youtube Search History (assist)
★Clear Google Search History(Android >= 1.6) (assistance)
★Clear app cache files

Feel free to send feedback to us other than 1 star!!

#How to clean your Google Map history
If your Google Map history still comes out after clean, please visit http://www.google.com/history to disable the history records for your Google account.

INFOLIFE, Make Life Easier!

To help us translate thiss app to your native language, please sign up in http://crowdin.net/project/history-eraser
thank you very much
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-apr, 2022

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