■ Conquer gods with the fast-attack AT "Aragami Burst"!
Pachislot God Eater, which made its hall debut in 2015 as a tie-up pachislot to Bandai Namco Entertainment's game "God Eater" and has gained popularity, is now available at the virtual hall "Gripachi"!
■ What is “Gripachi”?
・"Gripachi" is an online hall for pachinko and pachislot.
・ You can enjoy the game of the popular real machine simulation application for free.
■ Precautions when playing
・ In order to use this application, GREE free membership registration and login are required.
・You need to download the hall app "Gripachi".
・In order to install this application, please secure at least [about 1.9GB] free space in the storage of your device.
・It takes about [several minutes to several tens of minutes] to download and expand the data. (Depending on the communication speed and strength, it may take longer than this.)
・We strongly recommend using [Wi-Fi environment] due to the large amount of communication.
・Because the application uses a lot of RAM memory, it is recommended that you close other running applications before playing.
■ Copyright
GOD EATER™ Series & ©Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.