Christopher Gerard
Nice space strategy game. It's been around for a while, good to see it's still getting updates. Graphics are very pretty, gameplay is chill sometimes though there's pirates that attack and you have to defend as well as build and grow your economy to make $$. It's a very enjoyable game but after awhile it does get repetitive. To The Dev: Please add more content and depth. If done right, could be something truly amazing. Don't be afraid to push the boundaries.

George Isaak
A good game that unfortunately is limited into a loop of doing the same thing over and over again ,once you reach at 100% of winning the pirate attacks there is nothing stopping you from making billions but ... that's it all it is to it . Boring to say the least.

A Google user
The later level of capacity for transport ships from planet to station is bugged as production on planet for example planet produce much more points but ship take up nly 2,147..(capacity is much biger) , and when it take points..planets reset and start from 0 pints instead accumulating points more and more,.. serious bug problem
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