Is It Love? Adam - choose love

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52 ming ta sharh
1 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
M (17+)

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Is It Love? Adam is an interactive story in English.
Like in TV sitcoms, new episodes (chapters) are regularly released.
You can download this interactive love game for free. Will you find Love? Will you manage to seduce the drummer of a rock band?

"You've been living in New York City for several months now working for the mysterious Ryan Carter, on one of the floors of the Carter Corporation building; a huge glass skyscraper overlooking Manhattan.
Your life has always gone pretty smoothly. You have a stable job, your friends are loyal, your life, in general, is quiet and calm, but it lacks that little bit of freedom, that whiff of adventure. One person will come along and change it all, he will take you beyond your greatest expectations. Adam, a young drummer in a rock band that's rising to fame, will catch your attention and haunt your dreams. Adam is a free spirit, determined and ideological, he will take you on a hot and salty ride between the ocean, wild concerts, and his darker secrets...
The question is... are you ready to take the risk?"

Strong points:
• Live a true love story.
• It's your game: Your choices influence the story.
• A 100% in English
• Learn to surf
• Get involved to defend and protect the planet

An Otome is a visual novel type game in which you are the heroine about to live true romance (a love story) with possible twists (Love, seduction, betrayal, marriage...)

Download this fun, rock, flirting game, if you:
• Like turbulent love stories.
• Watch romantic films, action movies or musicals.
• Want to live a love story with a drummer who's mad about surf.
• Discover a new interactive game in English

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About us:
1492 Studio based in Montpellier, France, was co-founded in 2014 by Claire & Thibaud Zamora, two entrepreneurs with over 20 years of experience in the freemium gaming business. Acquired by Ubisoft in 2018, the studio continues today to create interactive stories in the visual novel genre to feed the Is It Love? series. With a dozen of mobile apps - generating more than 50 million downloads to date, the 1492 Studio games offer players the chance to travel to new dimensions, in worlds full of intrigues, suspense, and romance. The studio continues to operate its live games by creating further content and animating a strong community of fans while working on other projects to come in a near future.
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-dek, 2022

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An update of Is It Love? Adam is ready for you!
- Overall fixes and system optimization
Thank you for playing!