Ever wanted to know the correlation of your stock's return compared to the housing market, or how about its correlation for only the past 2 weeks? Stock Beta gives this flexibility, at your fingertips, for free.
Newton Analytics offers a the power of calculating Stock Beta on the fly for any company with a valid ticker symbol. Users can experience information from data as recent as the previous day's closing price. The Stock Beta app allows you to choose your index, set the frequency of price return data, and determine how far back in history you wish to consider.
Stock Beta is a calculation that uses historical price return data from an index and compares it to the same duration of return data for a given stock. Often referred to as the correlation coefficient, Stock Beta is used by financial aficionados to calculate a company's risk relative to the stock market.
Beta provided by most financial websites is typically stale and calculated using a one-size-fits-all set of parameters. For example, an information source may only calculate beta using the S&P 500, monthly returns, over the last 3 years. This type of stale information prevents investors from truly understanding the relation of a stock.