Why this app?
With the UMC Collective Labor Agreement app, employers and employees of university medical centers quickly gain insight into the collective labor agreement agreements. The App makes the collective labor agreement easier, more accessible and more searchable.
In addition to the complete collective labor agreement text, the app contains tools to make your own calculations, such as the hours to be worked, the commencement date of the AOW or the date of maternity leave. The FAQ gives employees quick access to the most frequently asked questions.
How can you use the app?
The full collective labor agreement text can be found in the app under the heading 'CAO'.
Under 'Tools' there are four calculation tools that can be used to perform simple calculations about the number of hours to be worked per year, irregular hours allowance, state pension age and duration of maternity leave. You will also find an overview of useful links to websites where more information can be found on topics such as salary, leave and illness. In addition, the App provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about the agreements in the collective labor agreement. The App also contains a calendar with (official) holidays and other collective labor agreement-related dates and a News section.