[Update] slide input method version 1.4 update
[Hiring] slide aspiring developers solicit input method !!!!!
There are any errors / issues urge to Facebook in search for "slide input method" message and leave the problem
Fan group: www.facebook.com/Mr.sliders
After installation, go to "Settings" in the "Language and Keyboard" check "slide input method", and switch the input method, set as follows:
[Version 4.0 later] in the default input method options, switch to "slide input method."
[4.0 previous version] long press in the text edit field, switch to "slide input method."
Slide the binding properties of the input method for touch screen input method
There are Chinese keyboard, English keyboards, keyboard symbols, symbols keyboard. Half-shaped symbol keyboard, full shape.
There are three half-width, full shape of a four. Symbol keyboard for users to switch to the third page custom symbols keyboard.
Sliding manner using phonetic input Chinese. Slide divided into three versions: slide version, two-page version and a single-page version. Android phone users respectively, are familiar to iOS users input of Chinese, Android tablet users.
- Wisdom candidate
On the basis of an input word, the word to find the most suitable candidate to put to the front of
- Inadvertently correction
When the election typo, you can still choose the candidate after deleting the original
- Custom emoticons symbol
Provides 14 editable button that allows users to quickly enter a custom symbols / strings
- Long press Chinese, English key to switch to the setting page
- Slide the mode switch
- The input sliding sound, vibration setting
- Slide switch keyboard
Left slide: Chinese / English / switch each custom symbol
Slide up: switch symbol keyboard
Slide down: turn off the keyboard
- Related terms, and long Ankuaichajian
(Expression, punctuation, domain)
Test Platform:
HTC Desire S
HTC Desire Z
Users you good, due to the nature of the account belongs to the school account
And this APP is NTCB development team "slide enter development team" developed
Future work will continue shelves of its development team by NTCB other team, so stay tuned!
2012/12/1 Scott
Members Users good, we should also know that slide input method has been for a long time is not updated
Fan group page has for some time did not reply to users who love deeply sorry
The main reason is that we slide input method is a little thematic works Taiwan University
From implemented up to now, has been a year-long, thank you for your love and support
Our team members have been unable to stop the passage of time and graduate
Tribe falling apart, scattered all over
Under employment, graduate school or a soldier, met to discuss difficult time with the situation gradually
The next version of the slide input method is currently in the "modification, but need manpower to help" status
And our work will still be strong to live
We really refer to a lot of user feedback, the next version will be better to use! !
Therefore, we seek aspiring here, willing to help develop the slide input method!
And he deeply believes "slide input method is useful, he could not just lying."
We sincerely thank you for your team (s) to assist :)
Contact: mr.sliders@gmail.com
2012/12/2 Scott
Users you good, slide input method summer team in 2014 started to repair the action
The following article column slide input method version 1.4 update focused on:
1 amended version of Android 4.1.2 will appear after ei word keys broken situation in the slide board
2 increase font of the word, such as "sister."
3 increase love symbol, delete inverted question mark
4 new keyboard color "red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, pink, black."
5.NTCB upgraded University, abbreviated renamed NTUB
Xu Jiumei updated slide enter a team for the majority of supporters are sorry
Hope for the future slide input method fans can continue to support our work!
2014/9/3 Scott