heather graves
I was concerned that the reviews were from right-winged fanatics who are overly serious and easily offended at most things but, I have to admit that most of the reviews are accurate. This game sucks major balls. I'm an avid player of COG games. I play new ones, replay old ones, and I have genuine fun. But this game is just a poor attempt at humor with no real substance for a story-telling game. It's pointless, unfunny, and frankly a waste of download time and app store space. Don't even bother.
86 people found this review helpful

Tom Battraw
This is nothing more than a poorly-written hack piece. Each "choice" has essentially the same result: a meaningless stat adjustment that affects nothing. The entire game is a not-even disguised set of cheap jokes, all with the same punchline: "Trump sucks". Even if you despise everything about Trump with every bone in your body, the choiceless choices and nonstop Trump jokes get old really, really fast. If this was printed, I wouldn't use it to line a birdcage.
87 people found this review helpful

Cheeky, not at all deep. If you're looking for a read with plot development, this isn't it. But that's not a bad thing; some CYOA titles require a lot of time and attention. to min/max your character. This is perfect for a 5-10 minute distraction.
10 people found this review helpful