Refer to accidents involving the environment, or the planned route of travel, location, weather and other emergencies! developed for you and your family's safety to keep our app free, alerts, weather alerts and events requiring firemen intervention in the country, can provide advice if necessary.
The NDGDM Emergency Notification Service (ALARM) to the life and property security, possibly endangering the environment, natural disasters and industrial accidents likely to occur or has occurred, caused by developed informing residents in areas affected by an emergency application.
The application of disaster information, warning and alarm messages are displayed.
active use of mobile internet and Google's customized registration is required through the various options.
- notifications based on the location of the user's location
- The territorial validity of the notifications can be set: Place of residence - County - national in scope
- may be excluded from unnecessary messages
- set notification levels, sound assigning
- set notification periods ( "quiet hours")
The application can be installed on Android devices 4.x above.